To add the conversion string to each fcbread/write or FCRPUT/GET/LOC to open, run and close the converter for one element is inperformant.
We will add 2 new functions to open and close a converter. And the corresponding handle must be given to the corresponding fcbreadx/writex or FCRGETX/LOCX/PUTX functions like i the sample below.
fcbclscnv(cnv); |
Add new function to FLUC byte (fcbopenv, fcbclosev, fcbreadv, fcbwritev) and record interface (FCROPNV, FCRCLSV, FCRGETV, FCRLOCV, FCRPUTV) which provides/acceptes a new element data conversion handle.
With this conversion handel you can overwrite if format.element() the default conversion module to read from or write neutral FLAM5 element data types in a specific representation to the application memory.
This can be used to collapse strings or to read a XML element containing a number as 64 bit integer value. |