The ppPos Pointer was designed for comand line parsing. With the extension to support parameter files for object and overlays the memory used to parse the parameter file will be frred in case of an error, the ppPos points in the memory and this result in a segementation fault.
To solve this issue the error handling of CLP must be redesigned. The CLP can not use anymore the pointer from the handle direct, in a case of an error a copy of the error location must be build.
We plan to use a new error structure, with a string that contains the line with the arror, the error location in this line, the row and column number, error message and other useful informations. This structure will be filled up if the pointer not NULL on the other side, we will print all these error information to pfErr if pfErr!=NULL. Means the caller can deside to use the error structure or the printouts or both.
Addtional we plan to add a parameter at ClpOpen() which control the support of parameter files. |