Installation tips and hints to install using SMP/E.
Since z/OS hosts are usually not directly connected to the internet,
there is a tarball available which can be downloaded and unwrapped
on any PC or directly under USS. Inside the tarball you will find the
FLAM V5 FOR Z/OS product FMID=FLAM5xx as a ++FUNCTION in RELFILE format.
All files (including the XML files) must be transfered as binary,
because these files are already EBCDIC-encoded. Additionally, there is
a FLAM5xx.XMIT file which provides a couple of install job samples.
The files are
In the download area, you can also find the FLAM5xx directory containing
the extracted binary package with all the RELFILES for USS.
tar -xzf ./FLAM5xx.tar .
there will be
- FLAM5xx - an SMPNTS directory containing
file GIMPAF.XML (binary)
file GIMPAF.XSL (binary)
dir SMPPTFIN (binary)
dir SMPRELF (binray)
Please upload the FLAM5xx directory in binary format somewhere
into your z/OS USS file system, e.g. into /u/user/ or into /tmp,
according to your conventions. It is important that you preserve
the above SMPNTS directory structure.
You should also upload FLAM5xx.xmit in binary to a data set,
e.g. to userid.FLAM.SMPE.XMIT.
you will have seven jobs in userid.FLAM.SMPE.CNTL:
- SMPGBL1 - A sample job which creates and initializes
There is no need for a specific FLAM GLOBAL.
You can very well decide to share a common
GLOBAL zone.
Also, the zone names might be chosen to be
more telling, e.g. FLAMT1 for TGT1
and FLAMD1 for DLB1.
This job should finish with RC=00.
- SMPZNE2 - A sample job which sets up SMP/E ZONEs,
UTILITIES, OPTIONS and standard DDDEFs for
This job should finish with RC=00.
- SMPREC3 - This job does the RECEIVE FROMNTS from
the SMPNTS directory designated above and
basically should run as given.
Of course, if zone and other names have been
changed, please adjust.
Due to the REJECT which is inserted to make
the job repeatable, RC=12 might be seen.
The RECEIVE command should end with RC=00.
- SMPDDF4 - This job allocates TARGET and DLIB data sets
for the FLAM V5 on z/OS. In addition, the
according DDDEFs are defined to TARGET and DLIB.
There are two small naming conventions imposed:
TARGET data set names contain a "T1" qualifier.
Similarly, DLIB data set names contain "D1".
This is to support different TARGET and DLIB
environments if you are running different
versions of FLAM concurrently. And secondly,
TARGET DSN low level qualifiers start with "F",
DLIB DSN LLQs begin with "A". As usual in SMP/E,
these must not be changed.
If zone and other names have been changed,
please adjust.
RC=00 is expected from this job.
- SMPAPL5 - The APPLY job basically should run unchanged.
You might see RC=04 from this job due to message
GIM44402W srcname WAS NOT ASSEMBLED . . .
This is acceptable since we do not want SMP/E to
initiate any assemblies outside the official
development cycle.
- SMPACP6 - The ACCEPT job which again should run
basically unchanged.
This job should finish with RC=00.
- SMPALI7 - A sample job which defines data set aliases to
the FLAM TARGET data sets. The alias names should
be used in production job control. So, when you
are migrating to a new version of FLAM, you just
switch the aliases and the production job control
remains unchanged.
This job should finish with RC=00 at first time, if
an alias already exist RC=08 is expected.
For the demo package, the installation is now finished. You can test
any conversion function using the program FLCL on files of up to 1MiB.
The complete software package containing the demo license can be
downloaded from the URLs below:
German: http://www.flam.de/de/technology/download/software/ [^]
English: http://www.flam.de/en/technology/download/software/ [^]
Customers with a commercial license are provided with the following
files (++PTF(FLICxx) for FMID(FLAM5xx):
In the customer specific download area (login required), you can also
find the directory FLIC5xx containing the extracted package with all
FLIC5xx.tar contains the licensing ++PTF also in RELFILE format, and
again, the .xmit file will provide install jobs.
tar -xzf ./FLIC5xx.tar .
there will be
- FLIC5xx - an SMPNTS directory containing
file GIMPAF.XML (binary)
file GIMPAF.XSL (binary)
dir SMPPTFIN (binary)
dir SMPRELF (binary)
As before, please upload the FLIC5xx directory in binary format
somewhere into your z/OS USS file system or extract the tarball on USS,
e.g. into /u/user/ or into /tmp, according to your conventions. Again,
it is important that you preserve the above SMPNTS directory structure.
You should also upload FLIC5xx.xmit in binary to a data set,
e.g. to userid.FLIC.SMPE.XMIT.
you will have three jobs in userid.FLIC.SMPE.CNTL:
- SMPREC1 - This job does the RECEIVE FROMNTS from
the SMPNTS directory designated above and
basically should run as given.
The RECEIVE command should end with RC=00.
- SMPAPL2 - The APPLY job which basically should run
This job should finish with RC=00.
- SMPACP3 - The ACCEPT job which again should run
basically unchanged.
This job should finish with RC=00.
This license module is required to use the old FLAM4 components
(utility, subprogram, record interface, subsystem, FKME). The new FLAM5
components (FLCL utility, FLUC byte and record interface, FLUC
subprogram, ...) on files greater than 1 MiB and for productive
purposes. To download the commercial license module, login on the page
below with the account information that is provided to you by email:
German: http://www.flam.de/de/license [^]
English: http://www.flam.de/en/license [^]
After installation, you should see at minimum the data sets below:
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]DOCHTM Documents as HTML-files (binary)
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]DOCZIP Documents as ZIP-files (binary)
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]DOCPDF Documents as PDF-files (binary)
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]DOCTXT Documents as text-files (EBCDIC)
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]IMPORT Import file for linking with DLLs
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]INCLUDE Include file for C-compiling
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]JOBLIB Sample Batch-Jobs
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]LOAD Programs, load modules and DLLs
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]MSGS Messages for FLAM panels
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]OBJ Object modules (for linking)
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]SKELS Skeletons for FLAM panels
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]SRCLIB Examples as source (ASM, PLI, COBOL)
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]SRCLIBC Examples as source (C, C++, JAVA)
SMPE.FLAM.[D1/T1.][A/F]SAMPLE Several resources useful with FLAM |