

The repositories are links to our  public GitHub area, where you can view, download and clone all the open source projects we use and in some cases adapt. This is how we comply with the publication obligations of the various open source licenses. For example, we have added various EBCDIC code pages to libiconv as added value for our customers. We also have our own project, CLE/P  - project of our own, which we make available to everyone as open source.​

Command Line Executor/Processor (CLE/P)

We hereby make our CLE/P available free of charge as open source. With this library we have realized our cross-platform command line for FLAM. Feature requests and bugs can be reported via our support help desk (support@flam.d). If someone fixes bugs themselves or adds new features, we would be pleased if these adjustments were passed on to us so that we can add them to the central repository. The complete documentation and the exact license terms can be found below:

API Specification

zip, doxy

DOXYGEN source documentation

zip, doxy

GIT Repository




Expat XML Parser

We use the external library Expat to process XML data.We use a version adapted for our purposes, which we publish under the same license conditions. All information about the license and the project can be found in the links below.

Official expat project


Modified version (GIT repository)




libssh - The SSH library

The library libssh is used for SSH support in FLAM, which we have extended with several functions that significantly improve performance for our purposes.

Official libssh project


Modified version (GIT repository)


