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FL5 - Change Log

FL5 - 5.1.15 (Released 2017-03-23) View Issues ]

 * Bugfixes
 ** Fix segmentation fault if XCNV called at output without FIO specification
 ** Fix wrong return code if connect failed in UTIL command
 ** Ensure and correct use of UTF-8 in XML-Dump
 ** Fix missing external attributes (file permission bits) for USS files on z/OS in ZIP archives
 ** Change ExtArt in ExtAtr at XML output of info function in FIO.ZIP()
 ** Correct know host file name in log output for SSH connections


* Set DSN type automatic to LARGEFILE if primary tracks + (16 * secondary tracks) > 65536 on z/OS
** previous calculation was without the multiplication of secondary tracks with 16
** each file which can be a large file will be a large file by default all other are basic files except LARGEFILE is requested
* Bugfixes
** Fix missing initialization of of PKCS#11 mechanism
** Accept C_RandomCeed not support for PKCS#11 implementations
** Correct search of objects in PKCS#11 implementation


 * Bugfixes
 ** Correct handling of locale in float element converter
 ** correct SBUILD for assembler modules
 ** Fix bugs CCAPGP with trust store (PGP-keyring)

 * Support for packed BCD real numbers in element converter
 * Reduction of memory consumption
 * Most strings (e.g. paths) no longer have a length limit
 * zlib updated to version 1.2.11
 * Build time and update recommendation are now logged
 * An info is printed to the log when the installed FLAM version is no longer supported
 * A warning is printed if the license file is for a newer FLAM version than currently installed and the FLAM version is out of support

 * Bugfixes
 ** Fix errors in float conversion of elements
 ** Correct handling of file prefix on z/OS
 ** Fix error in PGP file handling
 *** Don't interpret last interim package of length 0 as first padding character
 *** In very rare cases, this resulted in a file where the last part is missing when reading a PGP file
 ** When a public key file was passed to the SSH net object, building the filename of the private key was done incorrectly
 ** Fix MF-EDZ filename mapping in FLUC utility (FLCL CONV/XCNV/DIFF/...)
 ** Fix wrong mapping of state string in byte and record interface (RecLen, BlkSiz and KeyLen damaged)
 ** Correct test of ZEDC availability in FLAM assembler modules
 ** The system locale was not honored correctly when converting from/to floating point numbers, potentially resulting in an incorrect decimal separator
 ** Fix for potential segmentation fault in PGP component if body length of user ID exceeds 1024 byte


 * Return condition code 1 if there is a relevant warning in the log
 ** For backward compatibility, the mechanism can be deactivated with environment variable FL_RETURN_IF_LOG_WARNING=OFF
 ** On z/OS you can also use the system variable &FLRLOGW to change the default behavior
 * Support exported JCL symbols like environment variables in FLCL control statements
 * Support CX8/VR8 encryption in FLAM4 to provide a powerful VSAM encryption
 ** Use the same passphrase and FKME support known from MODE=ADC
 ** Includes FLAM-Subsystem support for application-transparent encryption
 ** Usable via FLAM record interface and FLAM/FLCL utility
 * New element converter for INTEGER and FLOAT data types
 ** Can be used to convert data between arbitrary number representations
 ** Supports standalone conversion of arbitrary data through the byte interface (fcbconv() / FCRCONV())
 ** Can be used as converter when reading/writing elements (e.g. number conversion for XML documents)
 ** Supported number formats: Binary, BCD, String (binary/octal/decimal/hexadecimal)
 ** Conversions can be described by a new conversion string that specifies the FROM-TO-relationship:
 *** "conv.integer(from(format.str(chrset=UTF8 base=dec whitespace=number)) to(format.bin(width=W32 endian=big)))"
 * A user table for character conversion can now be directly passed in the command string
 ** To separate the string from the filename, the string must start with a colon
 ** USRTAB=':(00C4=0041,0045)(00D6=004F,0045)(00DC=0055,0045)'
 ** Useful for short tables or on API usage
 * Prevent printouts if FLUCUP is used (behavior of subprogram interface has been changed)
 ** The string ":STDERR" must be provided as output file to get the log output written to STDERR
 ** ":STDERR" and ":STDOUT" are supported for all output files (trace)
 * Produce a syntax error in inverse command if original call for inverse command failed
 * Extent usage logging to separate FLAM4 ADC (ZEDC) from CX8/VR8 (ZIIP) load
 * The known_hosts file can now be passed as parameter in the NET.SSH object (KNOWNHOSTS)
 * The new verbosity parameter in NET.SSH object can be set to get more verbose debug log entries
 * The environment variable FL_SSH_HOME_DIR can be used set a different SSH home directory (default: .ssh folder in user's home directory)
 * Add journal support (linux) for and improve usage reporting
 * Improve performance of PGP file detection
 * Add index number to filename mapping ([indN] with N from 1 to 8 to define the length of the file index)
 * Add random number to filename mapping ([rndN] with N from 1 to 8 to define the length)
 * The keywords for the filename mapping are not case sensitive anymore ([name]==[NAME]
 * Support constant expressions for value assignment (blksiz=64KiB+8 from=now-30day) in command strings
 ** You can use '+', '-', '*' and '/' and '(' ')' for calculations of numbers and floats
 ** Supports a lot of keywords for constant values (KiB, MiB, NOW, DAY, LCSTAMP, SnRAN10, ...)
 ** If a keyword is used directly behind a number, a multiplication is done (4KiB==4*KiB==4*1024)
 ** For strings, the addition and the default multiplication with an keyword are implemented as concatenation
 *** file='file'S4RND10'.txt' or file=LCDATE'.'LCTIME+S2RND10'.txt'
 * Support parameter files for arrays (KEYWORD '[=' STRING ']') on the command line
 ** encr.pgp(user[='userlist.txt'])
 ** Preparation to support file lists in the next revision
 * Support environment variable replacement ('<'ENVAR'>') on the command line
 ** Can now be used in any place where a lexeme begins, to produce a valid command string
 ** Replaced by the CLP scanner before parsing
 *** file=<HOME>/file.txt --> HOME replacement by CLEP
 *** file='<HOME>/file.txt' --> HOME replaced by FLUC
 * Support PGP key lists in XML format
 * Use PS-VB-512 as default for non-existing simple files on z/OS
 ** File without dynamic allocation (report, key store, ...)
 ** Where the language environment (LE) is simply used to allocate the dataset
 ** The LE default was PS-FB-80 and is now changed to PS-VB-512
 ** Like the dynamic allocated datasets
 * Support padding with binary zero in PGP keyring files (FB datasets can now be used for keyrings)
 * Write only an informational message if file size cannot be determined with FSTATZOS instead of a complete error message
 * Support dynamic strings and arrays in CLEP
 * Memory usage significantly reduced
 * The following limits no longer exist (i.e. are now unlimited)
 ** Parallel writes/outputs (old limit: 4)
 ** Parallel FIO specification of XCNV (old limit: 4)
 ** Environment variable definitions in XCNV (old limit: 32)
 ** Decryption specifications (old limit: 32)
 ** Key management specifications (old limit: 32)
 ** Conversions (old limit: 32)
 * Support multiple time windows for usage reporting (allows peak hour analysis of FLAM load)
 * If wildcards and the remove switch used a PO dataset is now removed if no member left in the library
 * Support suppression of data elements which contain only whitespace when reading XML data
 * Support suppression of processing instructions when reading XML data
 * Add optional length error if data element length exceeds the provided length when reading XML data
 * A maximum condition code (range) can be specified [MAXCC=[max][-min]]
 ** If the condition code, that would be returned without MAXCC, would be greater than 'max', it is reduced to the value of 'max'
 ** If the condition code would be smaller than 'min', the actually returned condition code is 0
 * Support option QUIET and SILENT in command syntax to suppress printouts of command line executer
 *** This example uses owner HUGO to call CONV command where each condition code
 *** greater than 8 is reduced to 8 and value smaller 4 are set to 0.
 *** Additionally, normal log output of the command line executer is suppressed (except error messages).
 * Bugfixes
 ** Fix memory overflow for files with more than 32 ARMOR header lines
 ** Files were opened twice in info functions
 ** Selection lists in FLCC now always visible
 ** Improve detection of ARMOR headers
 ** Don't write to STDERR if system logging used
 ** Fix wrong inverse command if read from archive used
 ** Fix error for log stream with two qualifiers (FLAM.USAGE)
 ** Fix devision by zero (0CF) in usage report summary calculation
 ** Fix amount of processed records in FLCL INFO GET.USAGELOG()
 ** Fix handling of 0x0DC285 as delimiter
 *** In rare cases, a 0x0D0A could be converted to 0x0DC285 in UTF8
 *** Only 0x0DC2 was recognize as delimiter
 *** The 0x85 was then the beginning of the next record
 *** This resulted in a conversion error, because 0x85 is an invalid UTF-8 character
 ** Fix error handling in directory walk for files in the root directory
 ** Fix reason for different segmentation faults in FLAM4 for AIX 64 bit
 ** Improve file size determination for MVS datasets
 *** There was an error for files with a large block size
 ** Fix FLAM 64 bit errors on sun Solaris
 ** Fix wrong XML data after read finalization (in rare cases)
 ** Fix potential segmentation fault if no delimiter is defined at record I/O
 *** Set correct default text delimiter if record format is DLM
 ** Check license in FLAM subsystem correctly
 ** Correct error handling if a close operation after writing failed during directory walk
 ** Don't delete FLCL config file if option clear is used
 ** Use CCSID in read.record() to define correct character set for FIO.REC (to define the correct default delimiter)
 ** Correct whitespace handling for numbers (0000000 -> 0 and not an empty string)
 ** Fix amount of original bytes for FIO.FL4 statistics on z/OS (was always 0)
 ** Fix rare infinite loop in filename processing (possible with input output name mapping)
 ** Fix EOF when reading FLAMFILEs after an empty member is encountered

- 0000415: [y. General] Use dynamic allocated memory for URL/file names and arrays (amount of conversions) (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000865: [1.1 FLCL] Support replacement of JCL variables like environment variables in FLCL control statements (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000861: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support environment variable for ssh home directory (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000858: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Delete PO datasets with flcl util run.remove() (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000855: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] If all members of a PDS(E) are removed then remove the PDS(E) also in directory walk (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000859: [1.1 FLCL] Add cabebility to analyse peak hours in usage reporting (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved.
- 0000838: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support user table as string for byte interface (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000856: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Character conversion failed from UTF-8 to Latin1 failed if 0DC285 is used as delimiter (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000854: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add index and randomnes to file name mapping (Tilo Eckert) - resolved.
- 0000850: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support known_host file in NET.SSH support (Tilo Eckert) - resolved.
- 0000845: [1.0 FLAM4 or older] Add flags to separate ADC from CX8/VR8 usage (Rolf-Dieter Euler) - resolved.

[11 issues]

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