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FL5 - Change Log

FL5 - 5.1.18 (Released 2018-08-31) View Issues ]


 * Add first pre- and post-processing filters to table support
 ** For type conversion
 ** Masking of strings (e.g. for card holder data, conform to PCIDSS)
 ** FCPE service provider interface (SPI) for custom validation, tokenization, manipulation, encryption, ...
 *** TABLE(... ROW(... COL(... PROCESS.EXIT(LIBRARY='libfcpe' FUNCTION='colenc' PARAMETER='keylabel') ...)))
 * Support for writing to multiple targets in parallel on byte, record and stream interfaces
 * The URL schema file:// can now be used to specify local local files using URL syntax
 ** Special characters may need to be URL-encoded (%xx)
 * A CCSID can be passed through filename parameters in URLs and normal filenames (file='filename.txt/&IBM1141')
 * URLs can now also be used for parameter files including remote access via SSH and character set conversion with auto detection
 * Add PGP public key v5 support
 * Calculate PGP KeyID and fingerprint only once and keep this in public key structure
 * SSH with ECC keys now works on all supported platforms (was disabled on z/OS / USS due to incorrect calculations)
 * Add new class libraries for memory to memory conversion capabilities of our byte interface for Java
 * Support thousands separation when writing integers and floats
 * Support new FCRCPYL function in FLUC record interface to support MF-EDZ workaround also for the log stream
 * Add re-structured COBOL sample for SEPA mass and instant payments with the FLUC record interface
 ** Includes workaround for MF-EDZ pointer issue (used in Linux and Windows packages, comment out in z/OS packages)
 * If no delimiter is provided for format DLM in table support when writing, use charset dependent default delimiter
 * Explicit call of flush function now results in a forced flush (creates an empty file if no data is available)
 * Handle ASA and MCC correctly if print control retain is used when reading with or without record preparation on file to memory APIs
 * Support record preparation when reading from memory (understand records with print control characters (ASA/MCC) and/or slot numbers (RRDS))
 * Add Cobol copy books SOFLCREC.cpy and SOFLUCUP.cpy to Linux and Windows packages
 * Add trace facility (FLAM4MF_TRACEFILE) for Microfocus EDZ stubs
 * Implement pointer conversion in MF-EDZ stubs (required if AMODE defined and MF-EDZ is fixed)
 * Add minimal length check per column for external representations of data fields in table support
 * Support new length+pointer data formats as FORMAT=VAR for writing to or reading from memory in table support
 ** Pointers to data are written/read instead of the data itself
 ** Field order and padding can be controlled by keywords: ALENPTR/PLENPTR/APTRLEN/PPTRLEN
 ** Null indication flag to improve handling of columns containing default values
 * Add new functions FCRCPY/FCRPTR for FLUC record interface for MF-EDZ workaround if the new table formatting VAR is used
 * Improve Linux and Windows packaging for MZ-EDZ installations (see corresponding install.txt)
 * Support Linux on IBM Power architecture in big and little endian format
 * Support NOCHEK parameter in default objects of table support
 * Remove auto pass through from flucFS if no matching read configuration found
 ** For pass through a last read specification for file pattern * with format.bin() read.bin(file='') must be add to flucFS configuration
 * Add FKM5/E strings to FLCC commander
 * Make FLAM command visible in FLCC
 * Move inverse row specification from info to debug logging output

 * Bugfixes
 ** Fix incorrect error handling in close, flush and delayed open function of byte and record interfaces
 ** Fix get table name function for memory converter (don't gives an error if delayed open not yet done)
 ** Correct password replacement with '***SECRET***' if CLEP is used
 ** The "defaults" object in table conversion had an incorrectly named selection value (INT instead of BIN) for "intfmt" and "fltfmt"
 *** Adjustment of conversion strings may be necessary if you use one of these
 ** Fix some memory leaks in flucFSconfig tool
 ** Fix 0C4 in open for write if function FCROPN was used in MF-EDZ environment
 ** Prevent wrong error message in open for writing if the RENEW switch is activated, the file does not exist and something else goes wrong
 ** Fix determined record length for pseudo ASA/MCC datasets (FRA60 must be allocated with LRECL of 61 but RECL is 60)
 *** For fixed-length record formats, this bug results in a length error when writing
 *** For variable length record formats this bug results in wrong allocated record length
 *** The bug was introduced with FLAM v5.0
 *** The ASA and MCC support for non ASA/MCC dataset formats now works correctly
 ** Increase record length by 1 in FIO.REC() if records contain print control characters (retain) when writing and record format does not have control characters set
 *** Prevent 'record too long' errors and the record length must no be set explicitly anymore
 ** Properly reload array contents in FLCC/flucFSConfig
 *** If more than one object or overlay was defined (array definition) then all these definitions were lost
 ** Don't use charset detection in FMTTAB if none or a binary format was specified
 ** Improve error message in binary converter with base and charset if encoding or decoding failed
 ** Fix memory leak if GETPROP built-in function of FLCL was used without a command as parameter
 ** Fix segmentation fault if default SEPCHR was used in table support when reading
 ** Get field enclosing method NONE up and running at write of CSV data
 ** Write warning to log if FLAMFILE not read complete in info function
 ** Fix FLCC manual view if more than one level in bullet lists
 ** Fix memory exhausting issue in flucFS
 ** Fix parsing issue for XML in table support (<elm></elm> differs from <elm> </elm>)
 ** Fix writing issue for XML in table support (error if the first branch only contains optional fields)
 ** Empty or invalid strings for integer or floats results now in a format error
 *** An empty string for integer was 0 and a empty string for floats was an interface error
 *** 'nnn.' for floats results now also in a format and no longer in an interface error
 *** '.nnn' for floats results still to '0.nnn'

- 0000923: [1.1 FLCL] Add support for NULL indicator to table support (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000944: [1.2 FLCC] Add FKM5/FKME CLP strings to FLCC command list (Ulrich Schwab) - resolved.
- 0000900: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add cabebility for customers to write a own pre- and postprocessing exit for columns in table support (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000933: [3. Subsystem, Driver, Plugin, SPI] Make behavior configurable if no read specification found for a file in flucFS (Ulrich Schwab) - resolved.
- 0000924: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] The packaging for MF-EDZ platforms must contain each open and singelton Funktion as DLL/SO of FCRRECMF (Ulrich Schwab) - resolved.
- 0000927: [1.2 FLCC] Support a new data type for variable length fileds (strings/binaries) with length and pointer (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000922: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Pointer to pointer return values are not usable in MF-EDC Cobol programs (Ulrich Schwab) - resolved.
- 0000913: [1.1 FLCL] Add check for empty data elements in tale support (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000940: [1.1 FLCL] Write record with set RECDLM parameter should automatic set recordformat to delimiter (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000939: [1.2 FLCC] Support character set of a file in URL syntax (requires %-encoding and local file schema) (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000936: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] The print control handling does not work a write on byte and record interfaces (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000935: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Add trace capability to MF-EDZ stubs of record interface (Ulrich Schwab) - resolved.
- 0000929: [1.2 FLCC] Support group separator for integer and float string representations (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved.
- 0000934: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Rename FCRGELL in FCRLOCL and implement FCRGETL as copy function (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000912: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Support multiple writes on the byte interface (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000928: [1.2 FLCC] The replacment of passwords with '***SECRET***' does not work anymore (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000905: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support ECC for SSH (Tilo Eckert) - resolved.

[17 issues]

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