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FL5 - Change Log

FL5 - 5.1.20 (Released 2019-03-29) View Issues ]


 * Add string search feature to FLEDIT Gui-Tool (FLGT)
 * Fix 0C4 if FKMEFILE used with wrong DD name on zOS
 * Support new format parameter for ARMOR base encoding to define which key value pairs are printed (OFF/STD/EXT)


 * Support for print control character replacement when reading
 * Improved error handling in zIIP support (only if ZIIP-Feature available)
 ** Provide correct WTO in each case
 ** Don't issue a WTO for consequential errors
 * Use owner ID also at export if a user ID is added and no private key available
 * Features can be deacticated through system symbols (z/OS) or environment variables (all other platforms)
 * Add missing break in fcbread (fix wrong EOT error instead of EOF on API level)
 * Fix wrong comment and file name in state string after read of GZIP member on z/OS (IBM zlib has different behavior)
 * Fix MCC replacement at write (wrong value in switch case prevent correct replacement)
 * Few improvements for FLAM GUI-Tools
 ** Fix FLGT registry entries and empty info page
 ** use monospace font for info and checksum on all platforms
 ** Support different fonts for edit and save the selected font permanently
 ** Set command to checksum if algo option is used
 ** Add list option to print available checksum algorithms
 ** Add menu option to toggle line number display
 * Write of KSDS with key disposition delete makes no sense - change key disposition in this case to 'OLD'
 * Hide FKME parameter (could include credentials) and make FKME parameter binary to support C'', A'', E'', X''
 * The JNI wrapper DLL (FLCBYTJV) for Java byte interface is now part of the z/OS deployment
 ** Add load module (DLL) and import file for linking to z/OS XMIT and SMPE package
 ** Add sample job FLAM.JOBLIB(JZOSFCBI) for use of Java byte interface with JZOS wrapper
 ** Support "FLCBYTJV" as additional default library name in ByteInterface.jar (simple STEPLIB concatenation possible)
 *** Provide new JAR file in ADDON download area (https://flam.de/de/download/addons/Java/ByteInterface/)
 * Add new CLIST FLVEDIT1/2/4/8 with limited record length and no cut of longer records
 * Correct calling conventions for old assembler modules without a stack frame
 * Add OUT parameter to UTIL command to allow write of printouts to certain files
 * Don't overwrite record length in FMT.REC() with origin if record length is set from outside
 * Rework FKMEFILE to a RENT module to prevent ABEND if authorized load is used

 * Few PGP enhancements to import of keys and certificates
 ** Support signature directly on a key (required to import keys from z/OS EF)
 ** Support persona and casual certificates like positive and generic certificates
 ** Support primary key binding signature like subkey binding signature
 ** Support new user IDs for public keys at import by signing with the owners private key
 ** Improve error messages
 * Improve file organisation and record format handling
 ** Adjust file organization to a VSAM one is the record format defines a VSAM one
 ** Use standard record (VE/VK/FR) format if file organization changed to ESDS/KSDS/RRDS
 ** Calculate record length in each case correctly (also if PRNCTR=RETAIN defined)
 * Support print control character replacement in FIO.REC() at write
 ** Print preparation can be activated if a ASA or MCC dataset written to a non ASA MCC dataset
 ** The print control character (MCC or ASA) are replaced by additional records so that the written file looks like printed
 ** Default lines per page is 60 but can also be free defined
 ** Correct ASA/MCC mapping and support all channels as a kind of form feed
 ** Change default MCC byte from 0x03 (no operation) to 0x09 (write and space 1 line )
 * Correct and improve key disposition handling
 ** Support KEYDISP=NEW with records shorter then KEYPOS
 ** Add KEYLEN to default RECLEN if KEYDISP=NEW
 ** Set default KEYPOS and KEYLEN if KEYDISP=NEW/DEL
 * Fix handling of record delimiter in FIO.FL4()
 * Add missing free in FCRBFIN (not all allocated memory was freed)


 * Support for re-keying of PGP files (very usefull in conjunction with flucFS views)
 ** Add, set and replace recipients in an existing PGP file
 ** Only re-encrypts the session key without re-encrypting the data
 ** Always skip session key packets in PGP files if FKM5 call failed
 *** If passphrase is used then no FKM5 object must be given
 * Support for read-only views in flucFS
 ** Allows different logical views to the same physical data
 ** PGP files encrypted with a repository key can be made accessible as plaintext (e.g. for employees) and encrypted files (for external partners) at the same time via different views
 ** Some corrections in flucFSConfig GUI tool
 * FLCC and flucFS configuration support parameter files
 ** Support object and overlay assignment to a parameter filename in FLCC
 ** Parameter trees can be exported as parameter files using FLCC
 ** Parameter files can be imported into the parameter tree of FLCC
 ** Main keywords are used instead of aliases in parsed parameter list output
 * Unicode 12.0.0 is now used for validation of codepoints
 ** Reserved codepoints are also accepted (i.e. are considered valid codepoints)
 * SSH session plaintext packet capture to a file can be enabled in net.ssh() object
 * FLAM GUI Tool (FLGT) improvements
 ** Integration of FLCHECKSUM in GUI tool
 ** New personalized windows
 * Improved handling of default parameters in table support
 ** A default value (CCSID) does not override a known value for a column
 * Improved alignment in CSV module of table support
 ** The last element per line is also aligned
 ** Alignment requires enclosing characters
 ** Improved performance
 * Support writing of members to the same open archive on stream, byte and record interfaces
 ** Significant performance improvement compares to opening the archive for each member in append mode
 ** New function fcbnewmbr()/FCRNEWM() which implements re-open for the new member
 * Support hash and MAC calculations (including HMAC) for the in-memory interfaces (fcbhash/hini/hadd/hfin and FCRHASH/HINI/HADD/HFIN)
 ** A job example and program in Cobol can be found as SOFCRHSH in JOBLIB and SCRLIB
 * A set of functions for in-memory base en/decoding was added (fcbbase/bini/brun/bfin and FCRBASE/BINI/BRUN/BFIN)
 * New function to query statistics information (fcbcount(), FCRCNT())
 ** Useful to know how many bytes or units are processed after formatting or before I/O
 * Support NOARCH switch to disable the attempt to read archives automatically with CONV command
 ** If the file is known to not be an archive, this prevents repeated attempts of opening a file
 * New way to query system information (flcl info get.system)
 * A warning is now printed if a given system, local or default ASCII/EBCDIC CCSID does not fit with the detected character set
 * Log output now contains always the license number
 * Error messages produced by utilities are prefixed to know which utility was executed
 * Improve DYNALLOC error handling and check key offset and length for VSAM-KSDS
 * Mofifications of the FLCL FLAM command to match behavior of the FLAM4 utility on z/OS
 ** New parameter NORUN in CONV and XCNV command (acts as SHOW=ATTRIBUTE in old FLAM4 utility)
 ** Empty string on the right side of assignments is now allowed (e.g. "comment=" no longer results in a syntax error)
 ** Empty comments in FLAMFILEs are allowed
 ** Logging types "SOURCE" and "TARGET" added for printing the actual name used when reading/writing (required for SHOW=DIR)
 ** Ensure FB-512 as default for FLAMFILES (was FIX-512)
 ** New special condition code 80 (compression limit was not achieved) // "Kompressionslimit wurde nicht erzielt" Was soll das heißen? (PS: Du benutzt achieved fast immer falsch. "to achieve" = "etwas bewirken / erreichen")
 ** New special condition code 88 (read file is not a FLAMFILE or corrupted)
 ** Support DD:FLAMPAR on z/OS (used if only a command without assignment or parameter is specified)
 ** Required strings are only terminated by separation characters (space or comma), comments or closing brackets on level 0
 *** i.e. PDS member string assignment like FILE=FLQ.PDS(MEMBER) without quotation marks is possible
 * Add FLMSIGA/N modules to FLAM.OBJ (FLAM search and find solution for TDA)

 * Bugfixes
 ** FLAM4 components on z/OS, did not recognize some I/O errors currently when reading a USS file
 *** ABEND was triggered if opening a FLAMFILE in USS failed
 *** ABEND was triggered during directory walk if FLCL CONV with path names was used
 ** Initialize system header length when reading and allow to read system headers of each platform
 *** If a member was read from a FLAMFILE which was generated with FLAM5, the system header was not evaluated on z/OS
 *** As a result, the recreation of VSAM datasets was not possible
 ** Fix of error handling if FIXLEN formats are used
 *** If output data does not fit within a fixed-length field, error code FLMRTC_LNG is returned instead of FLMRTC_LEN
 ** Correct error handling in close function in block-oriented I/O using records
 ** Don't restrict masking processor to strings type (only the character set must be set)
 ** Fix for local character set handling in character conversion module
 *** Always use the local CCSID and do not override it with the detection results
 ** Warnings are logged if error logging is enabled
 ** Error trace is logged if minimal logging is enabled
 ** Improve printouts of operating system of ZIP, GZIP headers
 ** Fix external attribute handling when writing ZIP members (set correct file permission bits for files in archive)
 ** Correct default POSIX permission bits from "rw- r-- r--" to "rw- r-- ---"
 ** Fix FKMEFILE for Unix and Windows systems (E' or A' or C' as end of a key in hex notation resulted in an empty key)
 ** Correct linkage of FKMEFILE for z/OS (prevent 0C4/04 if FLAM load APF authorized)
 ** Endless loop in FLAM4 for Unix and Windows if password length was 0
 ** Fix statistics error in table support (some data was counting twice)
 ** Make CLIST FLVEDIT on z/OS abend-save

- 0000970: [1.1 FLCL] Add possibility to overwrite all armor key value pairs (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000968: [b. Packaging] Add JNI for JavaByteInterface to z/OS package (Tilo Eckert) - resolved.
- 0000965: [1.1 FLCL] Fix font in FLGT (GUI tool) editor and view (Ulrich Schwab) - resolved.
- 0000964: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Add function for base encoding to byte and record interfaces (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000886: [1.1 FLCL] New info function for system evaluation (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000959: [1.1 FLCL] Multiple reads of CONV command result in timeout issues, because file is moved after close (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000961: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Support HMAC and HASH calculation on API level as memory to memory interface (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000963: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Control a maximum limit of written bytes to prevent to large files (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000842: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Write of more then one member to a ZIP/FLAM archive with FLUC interface (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000749: [1.2 FLCC] Support string type file and parameter file management with FLCC commander (Ulrich Schwab) - resolved.
- 0000925: [1.1 FLCL] Add or replace recipient or re-keying an existing encrypted PGP file (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000948: [3. Subsystem, Driver, Plugin, SPI] Add support for different logical views on the same physiscal folder in flucFS (Ulrich Schwab) - resolved.
- 0000812: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Use zIPP capable SRBs for RUN functions of FLUC and for segment serialisation and de-serialisation in FLAM4/5 kernel on z/OS (Rolf-Dieter Euler) - resolved.

[13 issues]

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