- 0000537: [z. Other] Generate property files based on command templates (Falk Reichbott) - assigned. - 0001013: [1. CLE] Make SILENT and QUITE switch available by environment variables (Falk Reichbott) - resolved. - 0000839: [4. Documentation] Support a new kind of documentation generation without redundancy (Falk Reichbott) - resolved. - 0000159: [1. CLE] Make built-In functions ABOUT, VERSION and LICENSE invisible if a corresponding string is NOT available (Falk Reichbott) - resolved. - 0000910: [2. CLP] Support dynamic system symbols of zOS (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
4 of 5 issue(s) resolved. Progress (80%). CLE/P - 2.0 (Scheduled For Release 2022-12-18) [ View Issues ] ==============================================
- 0000187: [2. CLP] add autocomplete support to CLP (Falk Reichbott) - assigned. - 0000988: [2. CLP] Support positional parameter (Falk Reichbott) - assigned. - 0000174: [1. CLE] A real trace file (not stderr/out) don't work if more then one processes run in parallel (Falk Reichbott) - assigned. - 0000529: [1. CLE] Support of aliases for built-in function and commands (Falk Reichbott) - assigned. - 0000540: [1. CLE] Use CLP to implement CLE (Falk Reichbott) - assigned. - 0000086: [3. Interface] Internationalization of command line executer and processor (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.