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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000342FL54. Element, Byte, Record or other APIpublic2014-02-23 21:052014-04-28 17:24
ReporterFalk Reichbott 
Assigned ToFalk Reichbott 
PrioritynormalSeverityfeatureReproducibilityhave not tried
PlatformGeneralOSGeneralOS VersionGeneral
Product Version0.08 
Target Version5.1Fixed in Version 
Summary0000342: Add record API for original data (FLCREC)
DescriptionBased on the byte API we provide a record API (FLCOPN, FLCPUT/GET, FLCCLS) for original data streams. With this record API it will be possible to read or write files in sequential form with the PUT and GET functions normaly used for record IO on mainframes. With this interface You can for example read or write text to or from a GZIP file in records. Means if you write records to as text to a file which can be compressed with GZIP, BZIP2 or LZMA, encrypted with OpenPGP and encoded in Base64, each records will be append with an delimiter and converted to an deticated CCSID. Means you can use the normal PUT function for records on z/OS to produce for example a compressed GZIP file, which can be read on Windows. For this the open function looks like.

FLCOPN("write.text(file='test.txt.gz' method=WINDOWS CCSID='LATIN1' comp.gzip(level=best))")

On the same way you can read each kind of original data stream supported by FLAM5.

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- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-02-23 21:05 Falk Reichbott New Issue
2014-02-23 21:05 Falk Reichbott Status new => assigned
2014-02-23 21:05 Falk Reichbott Assigned To => Falk Reichbott
2014-04-28 17:24 Ulrich Schwab Status assigned => resolved
2014-04-28 17:24 Ulrich Schwab Resolution open => fixed
2014-12-02 07:43 Falk Reichbott Category 4. Element, Byte or Record API => 4. Element, Byte, Record or other API

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