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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000452FL52.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)public2014-05-26 08:072014-06-05 16:33
ReporterFalk Reichbott 
Assigned ToFalk Reichbott 
PlatformGeneralOSGeneralOS VersionGeneral
Product Version5.0 
Target Version5.0Fixed in Version 
Summary0000452: Transparent read of FLAMFILES with read.binary/char/text/xml()
DescriptionAfter implementation of a soultion for a transparent read of FLAMFILEs with read.record(), an analogue behavior can be implemented for the block oriented read methods.

At read.binary() the DECOMPRESS parameter already exist for GZIP, BZIP2 and XZ and can also be used to indicate that a FLAMFILE must be decompressed, to build the block.

For methods binary, char and xml, the records are simply concatinated. The text mehtod requires that a delimiter are add to each record to build a text block.

Depending on the record format of the FLAMFILE member, the original data will be reproduced as best as possible for block oriented IO procedures.
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-  Notes
Falk Reichbott (administrator)
2014-06-05 16:33

The transparent read of FLAMFILES in block oriented methods (read.binary()/char()/text()/xml()) are implemented and will be publish later togehter with the transparent reed of record oriented data sets in version 5.0.11.

The transparent read currently supports text files with delimiter, the same textfile as FLAMFILEs with inrecformat=undefined or stream, FLAMFILEs from mainframes with text records or GZIP/BZIP2/XZ files with the same text file as content.

Means you can read the same text file as clear text file, as GZIP/BZIP2/XZ file, as FLAMFILE(undefined, stream or deticated record format) with different character encodings from different platforms and you will get always the same records with FCRGET().

The missing format are curently the same text file as VB[A/M], FB[A/M] or VSAM dataset on mainframes. To read also these data sets transparent must still be implemented.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2014-05-26 08:07 Falk Reichbott New Issue
2014-05-26 08:07 Falk Reichbott Status new => assigned
2014-05-26 08:07 Falk Reichbott Assigned To => Falk Reichbott
2014-06-05 16:33 Falk Reichbott Note Added: 0000482
2014-06-05 16:33 Falk Reichbott Status assigned => resolved
2014-06-05 16:33 Falk Reichbott Resolution open => fixed

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