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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000762FL56. Access Control, Logging and Errorhandlingpublic2015-11-20 14:592015-11-23 18:08
ReporterFalk Reichbott 
Assigned ToFalk Reichbott 
PlatformGeneralOSGeneralOS VersionGeneral
Product Version5.1.09 
Target Version5.1.10Fixed in Version5.1.10 
Summary0000762: If a feature disable but used in auto detection, then read.auto/text/char/binary don't work anymore
DescriptionA lot of features are used in auto detection, if such an feature (for example OpenPGG) not available, all the autodetection will failed with an license error.
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-  Notes
Falk Reichbott (administrator)
2015-11-23 18:08

The check of the license was done at read at the beginning of the open function. The resulting license error was given to auto detection control and result in a error before format detection was done. This means that the detection fails if one of the feature codes not available.

Now the license check is done as last step at open read. In this case all the format detection stuff runs well, but the feature code is not enabled, the open will fail, with a license error. This means that the correct format is detected and only file with formats which have no license key will fail with a corresponing error, all other formats will still work.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2015-11-20 14:59 Falk Reichbott New Issue
2015-11-20 14:59 Falk Reichbott Status new => assigned
2015-11-20 14:59 Falk Reichbott Assigned To => Falk Reichbott
2015-11-23 18:08 Falk Reichbott Note Added: 0000926
2015-11-23 18:08 Falk Reichbott Status assigned => resolved
2015-11-23 18:08 Falk Reichbott Fixed in Version => 5.1.10
2015-11-23 18:08 Falk Reichbott Resolution open => fixed

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