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IDProjectCategoryView StatusDate SubmittedLast Update
0000799FL52.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)public2016-04-13 15:012016-04-25 08:45
ReporterFalk Reichbott 
Assigned ToFalk Reichbott 
PlatformSystem zOSz/OSOS VersionV2R10
Product Version5.1.11 
Target Version5.1.12Fixed in Version5.1.11 
Summary0000799: Support retaining ASA and machine control character in ZIP archives
DescriptionCurrently retaining ASA and machine control character in ZIP archives can not be reused.

At default the control characters are removed and anything works fine, but if the retain method used, control character are part of the record in the ZIP archive. If you restore such a dataset the control character is still there (FB) or an additional chontrol character is add (FBA).

The file attributes stored in the ZIP member header must know if it a record with or without control character. The CNV.REC() module must determine this information and detach the control character from the record.
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-  Notes
Falk Reichbott (administrator)
2016-04-25 08:45

With FMT/CNV.BLK() you can put (PUTATR) the attributs (ASA/MCC/REL) in front of the record and with FMT/CNV.REC() you can parse (PRSATR) these attributes into the FLAM5 element structure. If ASA/MCC and or slot numbers of RRDS stored in front of the record this is marked in the ZIP file header extra fields. By default the PRSATR method are assigned automatic in the right manner.

This feature works only if FLAM used on both sides, at writing and reading a ZIP archive.

- Issue History
Date Modified Username Field Change
2016-04-13 15:01 Falk Reichbott New Issue
2016-04-13 15:01 Falk Reichbott Status new => assigned
2016-04-13 15:01 Falk Reichbott Assigned To => Falk Reichbott
2016-04-25 08:45 Falk Reichbott Note Added: 0000974
2016-04-25 08:45 Falk Reichbott Status assigned => resolved
2016-04-25 08:45 Falk Reichbott Fixed in Version => 5.1.11
2016-04-25 08:45 Falk Reichbott Resolution open => fixed

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