* Fix remaining rest error on rare occasions at decryption of PGP files
* Change default behavior for base decoding of CHAR and TEXT data after decompression in read.char/text()
** CMPDEC is now the default and only if the result is XML the base decoding after decompression is done automatically
** If the result of the decoding is only CHAR or TEXT then the base decoding is only done if DECODE=ALWAYS defined (old default)
** The base decoding of text can result in valid but nonsensical text (missing uniqueness)
** The default behavior is not automatic decoding for character and text files anymore if only CHAR or TEXT detected afterwards
** If you change the property FLCL.CONV.READ.CHAR/TEXT.DECODE to "ALWAYS" the old behavior can be configured as default
* Map PGP key flags to usage and vice versa to support better the content of PGP certificates
* Support cross signing with inner self signing as default to get future keys imported by GnuPG
* Add check of valid period between primary and subkey, print warning if this is different (PGPCCA)
* Change default PGP symmetrical algorithm from AES128 to AES256
* Set log type for an FIO-ERROR to a warning if only a record truncation the reason
* Ignore FIO-ERROR if VSAM_POINT fails with 0x00080010 (record not found)
* Improve error message in FIO-ERROR handler in case of no ABEND
* Don't do record length field detection in binary data if it was not requested
** If the record length was defined at read.binary() then also record length field detection was done
* Eliminate unnecessary record conversions at read.binary() for fix length formats
* Add missing new lines to PGP error messages
* Support of one-pass signatures for PGP message files
** Automatic verification of signatures at read (can be disabled)
** Generation of signatures on request (given sign id) at write
* Correct handling and verification of valid days (expiration date) for PGP keys
* Support handling of preferred stuff for PGP key certificates
* Support more than one PGP key set per user ID (full key life cycle management)
** Select the youngest of active keys for encryption and signing
** Export and deletion of keys based on a current or specified timestamp
** Generate key sets for a certain activation date and for given number of valid days
** Manage activation time and valid days (expiration date) correctly
** Print info message to the log to warn before a key will expire
*** The default amount of days is 90 for this warning
*** This can be changed via environment variable FL_KEY_EXPIRE_WARN_DAYS
*** A value of 0 disables this log entry
** The key list function shows activation and expiration dates for PGP keys
*** The indicators below are used in addition:
**** ACT for an active (valid) PGP key
**** WRN for a PGP key which will expire in the next days (warning)
**** EXP for an expired PGP key (not usable for encryption and signing)
**** INA for a inactive PGP key (activation date in the future)
**** KID for a PGP key id based key
**** CCA for all other keys
* Log if hardware acceleration (ZEDC) is used for PGP compression
* Support verification of the primary key ID at PGP key import
** Verification of the imported key ID via the log entry is not longer required
* Write correct padding for FIX record datasets ourselves on mainframes
** Ensures that the correct padding character is used for MVS datasets
** Reset padding character after change of data representation (chrset or binary)
** Add CHRSET to inverse function to ensure correct padding with FLVEDIT
* Correct PGP key import function to support FB80 datasets if no delimiter was found
* Reduce primary and secondary space if dynamic allocation failed with DISP=NEW
** get read of small members from big PDS(E) up and running
** required that FLVIEW and FLVEDIT works in these cases
* Add missing FKM5 parameter at auto decryption (CNV.CRY())
** Transparent read of public key encrypted PGP files now works without any parameter
* Correct key store handling for ICSF (no enforcement to provide a keystore file)
** make CSFKDSL support available (was implemented but not usable)
** don't request a key store file at read (decryption based on key IDs will work automatically)
* Support key label mapping in CCA key names (get replacements in user IDs up and running at import and generate)
** User IDs like '^.HUGO' now work at key generate and private key import for CCA devices
* Fix missing key id printout in key delete function for PGP
* Change when licensing checking is done to avoid auto detection problems when feature code are disabled
** Required update for all customers without the CNV.PGP feature
* Correct and improve some error messages and add more trace messages
* Write PGP level name and CPU usage per level to statistics output
** Show the CPU usage for encryption, compression and literal package building
* The LEVEL parameter to limit PGP decryptions now works correctly
* Add new sample program FLPGPKEY to demonstrate usage of subprogram FLUCKEY
* FLCC commander can show the keyword abbreviations in different ways
* FLCC commander supports JCL templates for command generation
* FLCC commander provides commands in mono space font for editing
* Use uniform time format (YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS) in printouts
* Add switch ALL to key list.pgp() function to show only PGP keys as default
* Support shortened time entries (0t2015, 0t2015/04/01, 0t2015/04/02.23:13)
* Fix wrong hour at time entry if daylight saving time used
* Support locale independent interpretation of floating point values in CLEP
- 0000769: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Correcrt cross signing of pgp key files (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved. - 0000772: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Auto base decoding at read.char/text() result sometimes in errors or demaged data (Falk Reichbott) - resolved. - 0000763: [5. FKME/FKM5] If more then one key PGP availabel, choose the youngest of the actives one (Falk Reichbott) - resolved. - 0000741: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of signatures in PGP files (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved. - 0000766: [1.2 FLCC] Support JCL template for FLCL command generation (Ulrich Schwab) - resolved. - 0000760: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Show remaining valid days of a PGP key and give a warning some times before expire (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved. - 0000761: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Show zEDC usge in PGP compression layer (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved. - 0000758: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add parameter "KEYID" to flcl key import, for verify this during import (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved. - 0000762: [6. Access Control, Logging and Errorhandling] If a feature disable but used in auto detection, then read.auto/text/char/binary don't work anymore (Falk Reichbott) - resolved. - 0000754: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Text files some times padded with 0x00 instead of blank (0x40) (Falk Reichbott) - resolved. - 0000764: [5. FKME/FKM5] The key id label print out is missing if FLCL KEY DELETE function used (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved. - 0000755: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] If the owner (^) used in a PGP userid, then the key label is not valid. (Falk Reichbott) - resolved. - 0000723: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] If a small member of a big PO converted, then the file space for the target can be very hugh (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.