FLAM® Issue Tracker

FL5 - Roadmap

FL5 - 5.1.29 (Scheduled For Release 2023-05-15) View Issues ]
- 0000844: [1.1 FLCL] Add the capability to convert files in place (Tilo Eckert) - assigned.
- 0000793: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support receipt and restart cabebility as part of the SSH support (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000899: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Write of SMF records in SSH clients (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000953: [1.1 FLCL] Support write to memory till close of the file (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000960: [1.1 FLCL] Support HMACs as new detached signature procedure (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000966: [1.1 FLCL] More GUI tools (FLGT) for compression and encryption (Ulrich Schwab) - assigned.
- 0000992: [1.1 FLCL] Support LZ4 and ZSTD in FLAM5 kernal (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000993: [1.1 FLCL] Support LZ4 as converter component (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000994: [1.1 FLCL] Support IDCAMS functionalities in FLAM (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0001000: [1.2 FLCC] Separate logical record format and length from physical (falloc()) at write (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0001018: [1.1 FLCL] Add new converter to remove comments (Open-Tag to Close-Tag) from the data (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000072: [2.1 Subprogram FLAM (COMP/DECO)] Support of FLAM5 clusters (one archive as 3 files) for faster direct access (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0001003: [1.2 FLCC] Support first version of new FLAM5 archives (flat file variant) (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0001004: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Support API's for new FLAM5 archives (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000073: [2.1 Subprogram FLAM (COMP/DECO)] Store of FLAM archives in a database (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000794: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support LZIP format in CNV.LXZ() to use LZMA in ZIP archives (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000843: [1.1 FLCL] Add new copy command (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000916: [3. Subsystem, Driver, Plugin, SPI] Support remote files over flucFS (Ulrich Schwab) - assigned.
- 0000957: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of NFS like SSH (Tilo Eckert) - assigned.
- 0001002: [1.1 FLCL] Support XMIT in FLAM5 to archive load libraries (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000824: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Extend table support for IMS/DB2 unload formats (more than one table format per file) (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000867: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add column encryption, tokenisation, anonymisation to table support (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000783: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add match of regular expression to string converter (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.

3 of 23 issue(s) resolved. Progress (13%).

FL5 - 5.1.30 (Scheduled For Release 2024-11-11) View Issues ]
- 0000745: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of OpenPGP signatures conform to the clear messages framework (RFC4880) (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000800: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] FLINFO/VIEW/VEDIT for members of ZIP-Archives in ISPF (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000804: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support secure delete of files (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000837: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support hexvalues instead of code point list in user table for character conversion (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000869: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] StAX like XML parser and writer (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000904: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Reorder combined charater in UNICODE for printing (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000906: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) in OpenPGP (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000980: [1.1 FLCL] Set priority for processes (Tilo Eckert) - assigned.

0 of 8 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%).

FL5 - 5.1.31 (Scheduled For Release 2025-03-31) View Issues ]
- 0000790: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add support for TAR archive (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000917: [3. Subsystem, Driver, Plugin, SPI] Support archives (ZIP, FLAM4, TAR, ...) in flucFS (Ulrich Schwab) - assigned.
- 0000931: [1.2 FLCC] Support JSOn like XML in table support (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000984: [d. Installation] Deliver FLAM package optional as PTF (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0001001: [1.1 FLCL] Support binary tag length value (TLV) formats in table support (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0001006: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Support directory walk on stream, byte and record interfaces (EOM handling) (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0001016: [1.1 FLCL] Support CESU-8 encoding (Ulrich Schwab) - assigned.
- 0000894: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] CSV-Format detection for Table-Support (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000903: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support ISO9.1995 translitteration as system table in ICV module (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000952: [3. Subsystem, Driver, Plugin, SPI] Support MetaDefender restful API over FAVE-SPI (Tilo Eckert) - assigned.
- 0000967: [1.1 FLCL] Support of VSAM-VRRDS (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.

0 of 11 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%).

FL5 - 5.2 (Scheduled For Release 2025-10-31) View Issues ]

Release 2
- 0000084: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add SCSU, BOCU, ... (UNICODE-) compression support as original data conversion (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000442: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Add new format for info functions to provide the data in a kind of computer structure (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000603: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of UNICODE standard transliteration table (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000620: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Extent the hash calculation component to include length and attributes (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000655: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support compressed and or encrypted FLAM4FILE to save and verifiy hash values (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000743: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Use of MS-Capi for our OpenPGP support in windows (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000753: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add switch to prevent overlong UTF-8 (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000891: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Make record and byte interface thread save (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000416: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Add remote FLUC stream interface for Java (Tilo Eckert) - assigned.
- 0000628: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of schema definition at XML parsing (Tilo Eckert) - assigned.
- 0000567: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of quoted-printable character coding in FLUC conform to RFC 2045 (Tilo Eckert) - assigned.
- 0000665: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Add function to map condition code in a message to FLUCUP (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000592: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of round trip conversion and identity conversion as error handling for invalid characters (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000085: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add normalisation, subsets, canonical and compatibility mapping, localization and more transliteration tables to CNVCHR (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000595: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Decomposing of normalized character data (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000862: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of more then one XML document per file (Tilo Eckert) - resolved.
- 0000699: [5. FKME/FKM5] SAF-KeyRing support (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000692: [e. Configuration] Add MAXCC parameter to overrule condition codes of FLCL (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000622: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Base detector erroneously detects a base encoding in binary data in some cases (Tilo Eckert) - resolved.
- 0000606: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Replace form feed at write.text() (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000470: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Dump of output to file or stream (Tilo Eckert) - resolved.
- 0000596: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support for character set DIN66003 (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved.
- 0000608: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of replacement of form feeds (RPLFFD) at read.auto() (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000618: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Add getter for hash values to byte interface (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved.
- 0000607: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of RPLHTB/VTB/CTR and SUPTWS also for METHOD=ORIGINAL at write.text() (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000615: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add checksum generation and verification cabebilities for original files (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved.
- 0000088: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Archive and directory support for original data sources (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000177: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of Generation Data Groups under z/OS (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000619: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add a new subprogram for hash/signature generation and verification (Mykhailo Moldavskyy) - resolved.
- 0000654: [1.1 FLCL] Generate at read reverse command for write to support edit of files (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000661: [4. Element, Byte, Record or other API] Support parameter files for flucconv() and other subprograms on command level (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000662: [2.1 Subprogram FLAM (COMP/DECO)] Support trace file if a environment variable defined (Tilo Eckert) - resolved.
- 0000669: [1.1 FLCL] Add new utility command to remove or find files (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000597: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of a system translitteration table for best fit mapping (Falk Reichbott) - closed.

23 of 34 issue(s) resolved. Progress (67%).

FL5 - 5.3 (Scheduled For Release 2026-10-31) View Issues ]

Release 3
- 0000599: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support for IBM1399 (16 bit EBCDIC codepages) (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000097: [1.3 FLSSRV] Add accounting information to FLIES server log (Ulrich Schwab) - assigned.
- 0000044: [1.3 FLSSRV] Add keep alive / info / management messages to FLIES Server (Ulrich Schwab) - assigned.
- 0000043: [1.3 FLSSRV] Authentification of client user on server site (Ulrich Schwab) - assigned.
- 0000171: [3. Subsystem, Driver, Plugin, SPI] Implement JRE plug-in for StAX as access method for FLAM (Tilo Eckert) - assigned.
- 0000077: [3. Subsystem, Driver, Plugin, SPI] FLAM SAX Service Provider for JRE (Tilo Eckert) - assigned.
- 0000083: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Add GB 18030 support (chinese version of UTF-8) to character conversion component (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000295: [3. Subsystem, Driver, Plugin, SPI] Element interface for original data (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000601: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support for own code pages (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000604: [1.1 FLCL] Export ICV percalc tables from open in own DLL (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000415: [y. General] Use dynamic allocated memory for URL/file names and arrays (amount of conversions) (Falk Reichbott) - resolved.
- 0000094: [y. General] Support logging in system journal for UNIX systems (Ulrich Schwab) - closed.
- 0000474: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Provide FL4-Support for compression on conversion layer (Falk Reichbott) - closed.
- 0000045: [1.3 FLSSRV] Support of remote access to original data sources (like FLAM archives) (Ulrich Schwab) - closed.
- 0000413: [1.3 FLSSRV] Run FLUC byte interface over the network (Ulrich Schwab) - closed.
- 0000691: [2.1 Subprogram FLAM (COMP/DECO)] Use hardware compression of CPACF (Falk Reichbott) - closed.

9 of 16 issue(s) resolved. Progress (56%).

FL5 - 5.4 (Scheduled For Release 2027-10-31) View Issues ]

Release 4
- 0000184: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Wide character support for text IO (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.
- 0000047: [1.3 FLSSRV] Support of TLS/SSL as communication layer between FLAM Client and FLIES Server (Ulrich Schwab) - assigned.
- 0000092: [1.3 FLSSRV] Write data to more than one FLIES-Server for backup, Read data only from one server, (Ulrich Schwab) - resolved.
- 0000095: [y. General] Support of SMF logging in z/OS (Ulrich Schwab) - closed.

2 of 4 issue(s) resolved. Progress (50%).

FL5 - 5.5 (Scheduled For Release 2028-10-31) View Issues ]

Release 5
- 0000046: [1.3 FLSSRV] Support of MQS as communication layer between FLAM Clients and FLIES Server (Ulrich Schwab) - assigned.
- 0000702: [2.2 Subprogram FLUC (CONV)] Support of relative generation number for GDG PO libraries (Falk Reichbott) - assigned.

0 of 2 issue(s) resolved. Progress (0%).

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